Digital Wallet
每10大网赌网址正规论坛都想确保自己的财务数据安全可靠. 有了MECU的数字钱包,你可以在任何你看到这个符号的地方点击支付 . Your identifying information (your name, security code, 或MECU账号)不会在您点击支付时传输给商家. Getting started is easy as 1,2,3!How to Get Started
Google Play
Samsung Pay
Look for the Pay Wave 或苹果、谷歌或三星的支付标志,并将手机放在非接触式读卡器附近.
将手指放在TouchID上或使用FACE ID. You can also enter a passcode.
- 把你的手机放在读卡器旁边,直到它震动并发出哔哔声,表明你的付款被接受.
- A supported iPhone or iPad
- 触摸ID、面部ID或设备上的密码
- iCloud account
- Android device with OS KitKat or higher
- Google Account
- Appropriate Samsung device
- Samsung or Google Account
- Go to “Settings – Wallet & Apple Pay.”
- Tap “Default Card.”
- Choose your card.
- Go to
- At the top, click Payment methods. 您可能需要展开浏览器窗口.
- 在要编辑的付款方式旁边,单击 Edit.
- 如果没有找到“编辑”,请删除付款方式并重新添加.
- To update an expired card: Next to the card, click Fix. 输入月份(MM)、年份(YY)和安全码.
- Open Samsung Pay on your phone.
- Tap Menu, and then tap Cards.
- Select your desired payment card.
- 点击“更多选项”可在“收藏夹”中添加或删除该卡.